Fast and innovation driven – describes Thailand’s economic development in a nutshell – the country that continues to sharpen its profile as the business hub of the ASEAN states; with the aim of expanding existing industries such as the automotive, electronics and robotics sectors and the food industry and establishing new sectors of industry.
These include the automotive sector, (more eco-friendly) petrochemicals and the digital economy that strongly rely on machinery, equipment and products from the wire and cable industries as well as from the tube industry.
Thailand is a lucrative market for these industries, as reflected by the exhibitor numbers registered at the leading regional trade fairs wire and Tube Southeast ASIA, held at the Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre (BITEC) from 18 to 20 September 2019.
On the three trade fair days to the tune of 370 exhibitors will be showcasing current machinery, equipment and services from the wire, cable and tube segments against the backdrop of Bangkok’s vibrant investment climate. Exhibitors predominantly hail from neighbouring countries such as Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia and China. There will also be exhibitors from European countries travelling to Thailand from Germany, Great Britain and Austria.
With its broad-based manufacturing industry Thailand is the central gateway for the developing, regional new markets.
For the second time now, wire Southeast ASIA will encompass a separate special show on Fastener Technology. At the Fastener Pavilion enterprises from the sectors of fastener and joining technologies will showcase their innovations.
In excess of 8,000 trade visitors from more than 50 countries are expected over the three days of the trade fair. One third of visitors will not come from Thailand; instead they will be travelling here from India, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, Myanmar, Indonesia, Japan, Korea and Vietnam.
The two trade fairs can again count on the support of partners from industry and business. These include for wire Southeast ASIA: the International Wire & Machinery Association (IWMA), the Italian Wire Machinery Manufacturers’ Association (ACIMAF), the International Wire & Cable Exhibitors’ Association (IWCEA), the Austrian Wire and Cable Machinery Manufacturers’ Association (VÖDKM-AWCMA), the International Wire and Cable Exhibitors’ Association – France (IWCEA-FRANCE), the German Wire and Cable Machine Manufacturers’ Association (VDKM) and the Wire and Cable Industry Suppliers’ Association (WCISA). The International Tube Association (ITA) traditionally supports Tube Southeast ASIA.