Last year, EU Commission Vice-President and Climate Action Commissioner Frans Timmermans announced that the European Commission wanted to boost the ramp-up of the hydrogen economy with a European hydrogen bank. 800 million euros were made available for the first round of auctions, which ran for 11 weeks. According to the European Commission, 132 bids were received from projects in 17 EU member states during the auction period. The total support requested "far exceeded" the available budget.
An overview of developments to date and an outlook for the future.
On 8 July 2020, the EU presented the European hydrogen strategy "A hydrogen strategy for a climate-neutral Europe". According to this strategy, an electrolysis capacity of 40 GW is to be installed between 2025 and 2030, producing around 10 million tonnes of green hydrogen per year. The European Clean Hydrogen Alliance was also launched in July 2020. The alliance of politics and industry was a first attempt to coordinate investments in the hydrogen ramp-up.
In September 2022, EU CommissionPresident Ursula von der Leyen putforwardtheideaof a European hydrogen banktosolvethe hydrogen economy'schicken-and-egg problem. With a budgetofupto 3 billioneuros, itwouldsubsidisethe "twopillars" ofthe hydrogen economy: Production in Europe and theimportof a further 10 milliontonnes per year.
EU Climate Action Commissioner Timmermans confirmed her initiative in hiskeynotespeech at theBrussels "European Hydrogen Week" in October 2022, sayingthatthe hydrogen bankwouldbethe "jumpstart" forthe hydrogen economy.
The planswerethenconcretised in 2023: Hydrogen producerscouldbid on a fixedsubsidy premium per kilogrammeofgreen hydrogen produced. The Renewable Energy Directive and itsdelegatedactsdeterminewhen hydrogen canbeclassifiedasgreen. The hydrogen bank will pay a fixedamount per kilogrammeof hydrogen producedtotheselectedproducersfor a maximum of 10 years. The subsidyisintendedtoclosethegapbetweentheproduction and salesprice. The subsidyisintendedtomakegreen hydrogen competitive and, in thelongterm, driveconventional, grey hydrogen out ofthemarket.
The European Council and the European Parliamentreached a provisionalagreement on theRenewable Energy Directive on 11 April 2023. The agreementstipulatesthat 42% ofthe hydrogen used in industryshouldcomefromrenewablefuelsof non-biologicalorigin (RFNBO) by 2030.
By 2035, thisshareistoriseto 60 %. Member States canreduceitby 20% iftheir national contributiontotheEU'sbindingoveralltargetscorrespondstotheexpectedcontributions and iftheshareof hydrogen producedfrom fossil fuelsislessthan 23% in 2030 and lessthan 20% in 2035.
Bids will bebased on a proposedprice premium per kg ofrenewable hydrogen produced, upto a maximum of €4.50/kg. Bidsuptothispricethat also fulfilotherqualificationrequirements will berankedfromlowesttohighestdepending on theleveloftheirbidprice, accordingtotheEU'sofficialpresentation. "The producersofgreen hydrogen whorequirethelowest support in euros per kiloof hydrogen produced will beawardedthecontract in theauction," says Timmermanns. They will thenbeawardedthecontract in thisorderuntiltheauctionbudgetof 800 millioneuroshasbeenexhausted. In April/May 2024, theHydrogen Bank intendstofinalisetheevaluationofthebids so thatapplicantscanbeinformedoftheirevaluationresults and grantagreementscanbesigned. Iftheapplicationissuccessful, thefundedcompaniesshouldthenpreparetheirgrantagreements and signthem "by November 2024 at thelatest".
The selectedprojects will receivetheapprovedfunding in additiontothemarketrevenuefrom hydrogen sales. Oncethegrantagreementsaresigned, theprojectsmuststartproducingrenewable hydrogen within 5 years. Mixing withotherfinancialaidfromtheparticipating Member States should not be possible in ordertoensure a levelplayingfieldfor all projects, regardlessoftheirlocation.
In thefirstroundofauctions, theHydrogen Bank received 132 bidsfromprojects in 17 EU memberstates. The total supportrequested "farexceeded" theavailablebudget.
The total electrolysercapacityoftheprojectssubmittedtothe hydrogen bankamountsto 8.5 GW. Over a periodof 10 years, a total of 8.8 milliontonnesofgreen hydrogen couldbeproduced. This wouldcoveralmost 10% oftheEU'sREPowerEUtargetforthedomesticproductionofgreen hydrogen in 2030.
In parallel tothefinalassessment, theCommissionintendstosummarise and evaluatethefindingsfromthepilotphase. The pilotauctionshould also beusedtocollectdata on theplanned hydrogen projectsaswellas on thefundinginterest, hydrogen costs and themarketprice. The experiencegained will also beusedtodevelopfutureauctionsforotherdecarbonisationtechnologies and products. The CINEA will thenconsultindustrystakeholders on draft conditionsforthesecondroundofthe hydrogen auction. As CommissionPresident Ursula von der Leyen announced on 20 November, theCommissionintendsto launch a secondroundofauctionsasearlyas spring 2024.
Kurt Vandenberghe, Director-General for Climate Action at the EU, spokeof an "enthusiasticmarketresponsetothepilotauction". The large numberofapplicationsreceivedshowsthatthe European hydrogen industryisready.
wire and Tube 2024
Ifyouareinterested in excitingpresentations on all areasofthepipingindustry, cometowire and Tube in Düsseldorf between 15 and 19 April 2024. Not only will many well-knowncompaniesbe on siteasexhibitors, but they will also present a widerangeofkeynotespeeches on thesubject. Topics such asskilledlabour/recruiting and the hydrogen economy will also bediscussed. See yousoon in Düsseldorf.