Redundancy and expansion of the interconnected system
„The main motivation behind the project is redundancy: if one pipeline fails, we have to be able to stand on the other leg“, says Silvan Großklaus, the overall project manager responsible for the construction of the Neue Riedleitung at Hessenwasser. However, the new pipeline, the second section of which, the longest construction section south at 18 km, was started in summer 2024, is not intended to replace the old Ried pipeline after its completion, but to be operated in parallel with it. However, double pipelines do not mean double the amount of water, as the maximum amount of water that Hessenwasser is permitted to pump in its extraction facilities will not increase as a result, but is limited by the extraction rights. However, it does give the operator more flexibility if a higher volume of drinking water needs to be supplied within a short period of time, for example in hot and dry periods with increased water demand.
The Neue Riedleitung only runs parallel to the old pipeline in the northern section; in the south, it takes a slightly different route. This is not only due to the fact that the route of the new pipeline should be such that all human and nature concerns are equally taken into account, but the new pipeline also enables an expansion of the interconnected system. This is achieved by connecting an additional waterworks that supplies the city of Darmstadt and the neighbouring communities. This increases the security of supply for all partners, as drinking water pipelines are not one-way streets.
[1] Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz, nukleare Sicherheit und Verbraucherschutz (BMUV): Nationale Wasserstrategie, Kabinettsbeschluss vom 15. März 2023.
[2] Roadmap 2030 – Handlungsagenda für die Zukunft der Wasserwirtschaft. Deutscher Verein des Gas- und Wasserfaches e.V. (DVGW) und Deutsche Vereinigung für Wasser, Abwasser und Abfall e.V. (DWA), Bonn, Hennef, Dezember 2023.
[3] P. Maler, M. Wagner, A. Schwigon, S. Kochendörfer: Netz- und Schadesstatistik Wasser – Ergebnisse aus den Jahren 2018 – 2022 energie|wasser-praxis 6+7/2024, S. 40 – 49.
[4] Neue Riedleitung: Sicherung der Trinkwasserversorgung der Metropolregion Rhein-Main. Interview mit Silvan Großklaus, Gesamtprojektleiter bei Hessenwasser. gwf Wasser|Abwasser 9/2024, S. 20 – 23.