Utilising the potential of municipalities for sector coupling
The KIT researchers investigated how this can work with representatives from politics, municipal utilities, administration, companies and citizens from Berlin, Freilassing and Walldorf.
The result: municipalities have a wide range of options for driving forward sector coupling. "As energy suppliers, municipal utilities can, for example, increasingly rely on geothermal energy, expand their district heating or utilise surplus electricity from wind or solar plants with 'power-to-gas plants' for heat supply", says Ines Jendritzki, who also worked on the ZuSkE project for ITAS.
As owners and operators of large properties, local authorities can also set a good example themselves, for example by using solar energy in their buildings and combining this with charging stations for their electric vehicle fleets. Local councils also have the opportunity to create a regulatory framework, for example by promoting the purchase of cargo bikes or developing a municipal heating plan.
Best practice, strategy box, 10-point plan
According to the researchers, it is crucial that each municipality develops customised packages of measures that are tailored to the respective local conditions and coordinated with one another. In order to facilitate practical implementation, they have developed several handouts that municipalities can use to tackle the cross-sectoral turnaround.
A catalogue with a total of 100 already implemented sector coupling measures is now available to local authorities as a guide for transformation strategies.
The researchers have also designed a didactic tool for municipal stakeholders in the form of a "strategy box". In addition, a "10-point plan" is available, which presents the central steps for municipal sector coupling, from the survey of the current situation to the development of a transformation path to the appropriate communication strategy.
KIT's project partners were Forschungsstelle für Energiewirtschaft (FfE) and Vereinigung Deutscher Wissenschaftler (VdW) with Zivilgesellschaftliche Plattform Forschungswende und Dialogik.
(Source: KIT)
Further information on the project and the project results: https://kommunale-sektorkopplung.ffe.de/