Germany is making rapid progress in expanding its high-performance digital infrastructure. According to new data from the Federal Network Agency, almost three in ten households already have a connection to the fiber optic network. Gigabit connections are available to three quarters of households across all technologies.
The expansion of the federal territory with 5G, the latest generation mobile communications standard, is also very dynamic: this covers almost nine tenths of Germany. As of July 2023, around
89 % of Germany was already covered according to mobile communications monitoring. The increase amounts to more than 17 percentage points within twelve months.
The Federal Network Agency surveys the fixed network coverage of more than 330 telecommunications network operators in Germany every six months and on an address-specific basis. The results are presented in maps, charts and tables in the Broadband Atlas - the information service of the Gigabit Basic Guide for citizens. The extensive databases can be viewed from the national level down to individual streets.
Key location factor: BMDV promotes the expansion of gigabit networks
The Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport Affairs (BMDV) continues to promote the nationwide supply of fiber optics in Germany with its "Gigabitförderung 2.0". Around 3.6 billion euros in funding has been made available for this in 2023. This will enable 638,000 additional connections to be made to the high-performance fiber optic network in around 2,300 municipalities.
"Gigabit networks are a key location factor for the establishment of companies, growth and jobs in entire regions. This requires a nationwide, high-performance and future-oriented broadband network," said Federal Minister Dr. Wolfgang Wissing. "Our compass on the path to fast networks is the gigabit strategy, in which we have bundled our goals and measures. By 2030, we want fiber to the home and the latest mobile communications standard everywhere where people live, work and travel. The vast majority of connections will be made possible by private investment. We are closing the remaining gap with our targeted funding, which will benefit precisely those regions where there is a lot of catching up to do and where expansion by telecommunications companies is not economically viable."
Gigabit strategy: Comprehensive coverage with fiber optics and 5G by 2030
Gigabitförderung 2.0 is part of the funding guideline "Funding to support the gigabit expansion of telecommunications networks in the Federal Republic of Germany" dated 31.03.2023. The funding concept was completely revised in 2023. The aim is to supplement the dynamically advancing self-economic fiber optic expansion by telecommunications companies in a targeted manner without hindering private investment. According to announcements by the industry, a total of around
50 billion Euros is available for the roll-out of private fiber optics.
"The German government's gigabit strategy is working. The current figures in the Gigabit Grundbuch testify to the high momentum of fiber optic and mobile expansion in Germany. I believe we are well on the way to achieving our ambitious goal of providing Germany with nationwide coverage of the latest generation of fibre optics and mobile communications by 2030," summarized Federal Minister Wissing. "We are continuously working on improving the framework conditions for private investment and supplementing them with our funding in a targeted manner so that we can gain even more momentum in the development of digital infrastructures."
Further information on Gigabitförderung 2.0 is available at:
(Source: BMDV)