When it comes to selecting sites for hydrogen production, the ‚Deutscher Verein des Gas- und Wasserfaches e.V.‘ (DVGW) believes that the impact of locating large electrolysis capacities on the local or regional water balance should not be ignored.
It is therefore essential to determine the total water requirement on site (including cooling) - the so-called water footprint - in advance, the association said on 25 June when announcing its study on the total water requirement of electrolysis.
„The ‚Deutscher Verein des Gas- und Wasserfaches e.V.‘ (DVGW), together with its research centre at the Engler-Bunte Institute of the KIT (DVGW-EBI), has investigated the extent of the additional demand and consumption, the range and the factors on which the water requirement depends, based on available literature and taking into account expert empirical values. According to this, there is a suitable process engineering solution for every location and every availability of water. And: There are cooling processes that require little to no water“, the DVGW continues.
A factsheet with the detailed results of the study is intended to support planners and operators of electrolysers in planning processes and selecting suitable methods.
The aim is to minimise the water footprint and at the same time ensure that the project can be implemented economically, taking local conditions into account.
(Quelle: DVGW)