It is designed to provide industry-leading, nanometer-scale resolution and ultra-precise analysis on the widest range of samples. Initial shipments are planned for the fourth quarter of this year.
"This newest generation of the well-established Nova NanoSEM offers a unique combination of capabilities unequalled by any other UHR SEM," said George Scholes, FEI's Research Division vice president and general manager. "In one instrument, you get imaging down to the nanometer level, high beam current for fast and precise analysis, and low vacuum capability to extend the range of sample types and minimize preparation requirements. Customers no longer have to choose between ultra-high resolution (at high and low kV) and analytical performance. The Nova NanoSEM makes no compromise--it delivers both in one system."
In low vacuum, the Nova NanoSEM can examine highly insulating samples, up to nearly the same resolution that can be achieved in high vacuum, with little or no preparation, eliminating artifacts and saving time.
The Nova NanoSEM 450 is ideally suited for advanced material science applications. Its 110 mm stage with up to 75-degree motorized tilt accepts a wide range of sample sizes and configurations, and permits electron back-scattered diffraction (EBSD) analysis without pre-tilted holders.
The Nova NanoSEM 650 offers a high-precision 150 mm piezo-electric stage for fast, precise navigation, providing 100-percent coverage of six-inch wafers or masks, and substatial coverage of eight-inch samples. Fast beam blanking, integrated 16-bit pattern generator, and a variety of beam chemistries for e-beam deposition, make it ideal for prototyping and lithography applications. Both instruments provide 1 nm resolution at 15 kV, 1.4 nm at 1 kV, and beam currents up to 200 nA.
Source: FEI